Thursday, April 23, 2009

tid bits...

C'est la vie...somebody shit all over the toilet seat, flusher, and wall behind the toilet on my floor of my office building. It's the only shitter on this floor, and now it's ruined for eternity. Now I go to the first or third floor to poop. It was bloody too which makes it even more disturbing. There are electrical problems at our new rental. Last night at about 10pm the circuit blew. I went to the side of the house and my neighbor Rose who is in her 60's and lives alone with her two dogs Russell and Cow Girl must have been scared shitless. You see, our houses are probably 8 feet apart, and there are meth heads and bums as any urban area has. I'm rummaging around, her dogs are barking their heads off, and I feel bad. I really don't want to call the landlord, but I guess I have to. My car got side swiped in the San Diego State parking lot on Monday. The guy was nice enough to wait while Colleen was in class. She got all his info but I haven't called my insurance company yet. It's just a couple little scratches, hardly worth the hassle of bringing it to a body shop, and renting a car. But, I guess I should get it fixed as the dudes insurance company will pay for everything. It's just a pain in the taint, ya know? Also, I'm way behind on the wedding plans. C'est la vie.


Metro Gnome said...

Life is a bitch. Then you get married. And you become the bitch.

jdesignedit said...

Bummer man. Things will get better!